Get featured in the news for FREE

Get featured in the news for FREE

YES! You can get featured in the news for FREE. Here’s how:

We’ve seen logos on the websites we visit for seen on Fox News, as seen on the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, Mashable Refinery, ABC. We see those little badges and we’re thinking, wow, this is a legit website. They know what they’re talking about. It builds immediate trust. I mean, you look more professional.

example what I’m talking about:

Who do I want that?

Well, you know, you can get those for free. That’s right. For free. I’m going to tell you how this website you can visit.

Visit: Help a reporter (sign up as a source)

Is it really 100% FREE? YES

It will cost you your time.

However, you can also pay for a service on there. I like to subscribe. You can get these email alerts for free or you can reach out to these field reporters. Here’s what’s going on with that.

Okay, so there’s about 75,000 journalists and bloggers that are looking for people like you that are experts in something, whether you are a dietitian, a doctor, a psychologist, a schoolteacher, an entrepreneur, an SEO expert like myself. There’s so many people that these journalists and bloggers are looking for to interview. Okay? These people are writing news stories. They want credible sources.

They want to give you in return a link back to your website, a mention of your name, your business, it helps them. It helps you. Everybody wins, everybody’s happy. You get a logo on your website. Yay.

Now that website is It’s known as horror as helping reporter out. They have, of course, there’s some subscription packages. You can join it for free. And this works, guys, you can join for free.

How it all works…

Sign up. You’ll get an email every day. It could be annoying, I know. But you can see in that email. Okay.

If you’re someone like myself, an SEO expert, I keep an eye out for my clients. I’m like, okay, I’m looking for anything for my psychiatrist lady. I can send her this email, say, hey, can you go ahead and respond to this reporter? He’s looking for a source. Do you want to write about this?

Is this worth your time? And the submission in this email, they will usually disclose which website they will feature this on, which could be a blog, it could be a major news outlet. It really depends if you’re new, if you need some good backlinks, I would go for anything. Guys. Just you want to get a website that is getting traffic, you want to be cited, you want that citation, that backlink.

It helps. Most of the time these links are permanent, but depending on the website, those links can get flushed out. I’m just being very transparent. I’ve had a link on sites like Market Watch. I am featured organically in the New York Times bustle Business Insider.

News reporter did find me through my content. That’s why I always stress having a blog, have content that potential news reporters can find on Google. They’ll want to ask your permission to cite your content. They want to use your name. A lot of times they’ll put your photo on their website.

get featured in the news free

Yes, I’ve had features in the news too

For my old beauty blog. It happened to me when I got discovered for the New York Times. They sent a field photographer out to take my picture. I got interviewed by someone on the phone. It’s in New York. It was a lot of fun.

I think every business owner should experience this. You’re an expert in your field, you want to get cited all around the world for your expertise and in return, you get to put one of those cute little badges on your website helps gain you that credibility. Once again that website I mentioned is I’ll have it linked in the description of this podcast. But looking at you guys you can always call up your local news.

If you have something new going on in your business call your local news station, let them know hey they might show up to your news. You want to be on the morning news. How fun would that be? And also if you want to go if you have deep pockets you can always hire a PR agency that can help you get something newsworthy to your business and published all over wherever you want. Those PR services are usually they’re going to run you could be a couple thousand or around $300 for one published post.

Yeah, it is what it is. So anyway it’s worth poking around checking out Go ahead and register. What do you have to lose? Get those daily emails to see if you can get your name, your website, your company mentioned in the news.

Did this work for you too? Please let me know!

It’s a lot of fun. Alright thank you so much for listening. Hope you have an awesome day. Tata.

BTW, 👋 I’m Jen Ruhman the queen of SEO.. 😂 sure why not? I have an SEO company in San Diego, CA. Called Jen Ruhman SEO. Feel free to check out my SEO pricing and hire me for my SEO services today!


SEO Blog Post Checklist for Beginners

SEO Blog Post Checklist for Beginners

SEO Blog Post Checklist

Hello to all the new bloggers out there! I’ve put together this straightforward SEO blog post checklist designed especially for beginners.

By adhering to this SEO checklist, you’re already on the right track even before you begin crafting your inaugural blog post.

I recommend bookmarking this page and referring to it each time you create a new blog post, until you’ve become proficient in these SEO blog post techniques.

It’s important to understand that conducting some SEO research is akin to constructing a blueprint. It provides your blog post’s SEO with a robust and reliable foundation for success.

While some bloggers may simply write lengthy posts and hope for the best in terms of ranking, following this checklist will ensure you’re taking deliberate steps to optimize your content for search engines and improve your chances of visibility and success.

Related: How Often Should I Blog for SEO Results?

They might look into doing SEO after their post is finished, but I know it’s best to blog with a checklist as you go!

There’s some super long SEO checklists that can be overwhelming! This checklist is perfect for beginners because I made it simple and to the point.

Follow My SEO Blog Post Checklist for Beginners:


Research Your Keywords for Each Blog Post

Whether you call them your keywords or keyphrase, you want to target high volume / low competition keywords.

I recommend you use a free tool: Ubersuggest

If you have a new site with low domain authority, you will want to go after low competition keywords. The low competition keywords may have a lower monthly search volume, but if you’re a newbie website this will be what you’re most likely to rank for. This is something I have to stress to all new bloggers. If you have a new website without authority, you will not be able to compete with big-name retailers.

On the other hand, you don’t want to go after keywords that are not even being searched for!

Heck, it makes me mad when SEO agencies show a client a list of low volume keywords they rank #1 for.

Yes, you rank #1 for keywords nobody is using. You don’t want to waste time and good money on those SEO efforts! Feel free to reach out to me for a keyword consultation. I’m great at finding keywords that will help you rank!

Related: How to Build a SUCCESSFUL Blog

Place Your Keywords in these Specific Areas

Whatever you do – don’t keyword stuff! Simply write your posts naturally! Place your keywords 3 times max in your article.

In addition, place the keywords in the “backend” of the post. This can easily be done by installing the SEO Yoast plug-in!

To make sure Google understands the main focus of your blog post, you need to place those keywords in these specific areas:

  1. Your blog post title aka <H1> tags
  2. In your URL formatted “”
  3. Meta Description
  4. Mention your keyword once naturally in the first sentence
  5. Image alt tag
  6. Image filename
  7. Place synonyms of your keyphrase in a subheading

Related: SEO Friendly Link Directories

SEO checklist

Related: Get Easy DoFollow Backlinks with Your Infographic

Format Your Blog Post

  • Make sure you use sub-headlines to break up your content. This helps organize each section so people can skim your site easily. It also helps Google understand how in-depth you wrote your content.
  • Use bulleted lists or numbered lists. Your content will be enriched and may appear In featured snippets.
  • Add helpful images. Try an infographic or an image that communicates a subheading.
  • Make sure the quality is 100% and make sure your post is at least 800 words
  • Add some internal links to other related posts
  • Keep your blog paragraphs short – 3 sentences max
  • Make sure your post is responsive for mobile use
  • Add a YouTube Video if necessary to explain the topic

Related: How To Make a Website Load FAST

Optimize for Speed

Make sure your image file size is small – use Free Image Optimizer to compress your images and help make your page load faster!

I think Yoast should add page speed to the test because usability is a Huge ranking factor!

Place Your New Blog Post in Your Old Blog Posts as a “Related Post”

You can leverage the traffic you already receive and improve your CTR – click through rate.

Related Post: How to Quickly Change your Meta Titles and Descriptions

Experiment with Your Blog Post’s Title

Your blog post’s title needs to be enticing!
Think of a description that triggers the user to click on.


Alright, did you follow along in this SEO checklist for beginners?

This guide should help newbs add some basic SEO to their blog post without getting too technical.

When you’re ready to get more advanced, be sure to check out my 5 Tips for Boosting Your Blog’s SEO.

Or if you’re ready to take your Youtube channel to the next level, read my advanced Youtube SEO tips.

Are you a business owner? I also have a more advanced SEO checklist for you. Take a look at this related post:

Related: SEO Facts You’re Overlooking as a Business Owner

Whether you want to accomplish these SEO tips yourself or hire a professional,

I’m an SEO Guru in San Diego ready to help improve your SEO.

You Need to Be Collecting Email Addresses

You Need to Be Collecting Email Addresses

Email marketing is still a must for business websites and even blogs.

There have been many claims email marketing is dead but guess what?

In fact, email marketing is still alive and doing well.

Heck, email marketing is still kicking butt for many businesses.

You Need to Be Collecting Email Addresses

Why should You Collect Email Addresses?

Numero uno – your email marketing is the only platform YOU have 100% control.

That’s the sad truth. If you’re familiar with all the wonky algorithm updates on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you know it’s true.

Second, an email address is still a great piece of contact information to reach your audience. Many people still check their email in the morning simply by skimming, deleting, reading, and opting to read later. Guess what? Just seeing your brand in their inbox rents a few seconds in that person’s mind.

RELATED POST: SEO Checklist for New Blog Posts

Many people that visit your website are simply in research mode and not ready to be a customer – you need to keep in touch with them and reel them back in with email campaigns.

People don’t even need to read your emails for them to be effective.

They see them, think about you and carry on – or engage with your email. It’s a win-win.

As long as you’re not spamming them or being annoying with daily emails, email marketing is effective!

Heck, I get emails daily that I subscribed to years ago, some as way back to ten years ago. Do I unsubscribe? Yes but only if they’re annoying! Honestly, I don’t mind an occasional email. It shows your brand is alive and “keeping relevant”.

Third, people are not ready to do business with you. They subscribe because they like your services or products online, but they’re not ready to go forward. They’re waiting for a coupon or waiting to learn more; they’re simply in research mode. It can take as little as a few emails or even a dozen to get an email subscriber to convert into a lead.

How Do I Collect Email Addresses?

I recommend you use one of the following 100% FREE platforms using WordPress, you can add: Sumo Email Capture (the one I use on this site) or Bloom Email Optin by Elegant Themes. These two options simply help you collect email addresses in a pretty and functional platform. Design options such a popup that appears in the lower screen, content unlocks, ebook signups, and more! Next, you’ll need a place to create emails, especially automated emails hence the next step…

RELATED POST: Here’s Why You’re Getting ZERO Web Traffic

1 -Example of SUMO email capture
2 – Example of Bloom’s email capture
3 -Example of MailChimp’s email capture

How Do I Send Emails to My List?

My recommendation is the 100% free MailChimp. You can use this as an all-in-one email marketing solution by also using it to collect emails like Sumo and Bloom, but they’re not as pretty…yet! MailChimp is great at sending pretty emails using templates anyone can easily use. You can create an automated email response that drips scheduled emails. Or you can simply send out an email blast. Even better, have an automated email sent to your subscribers when you publish a new blog post.

What Do I Send to my Email Subscribers?

Sales – coupon codes
HOT New items for sale
Brand new blog posts
Updated features added to your products / services
How-to guides for your products
News about your business
Happy Birthday Deals
There are so many possibilities


Do not ever buy an email list!
NEVER send emails every day!

The reason, you’ll get flagged for spam! This can affect your future emails!

Related Post: Top 5 Benefits of Blogging for Your Business

Looking to hire someone to get your website started collecting emails?

I’m happy to help add email marketing to your website! I can set up a beautiful email opt-in, set up automated emails, a list of drip emails and more!

Final thoughts

Email is here to stay. You Need to Be Collecting Email Addresses! Don’t rely on social media alone! We have no idea what their platforms algorithms have planned. You’re showing up one day, the next day – you’re nowhere to be found.

How Often Should I Blog

How Often Should I Blog

how often should i blog

How often should I blog?

Blogging has become an integral part of digital marketing for businesses of all sizes. It’s a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website and building your brand. But, one question that often arises is, how often should you blog for SEO success?

Is there a magic number or a formula that can guarantee success? The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The frequency of your blog posts depends on various factors, including your business goals, target audience, and the type of content you produce. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the importance of blogging for SEO, the benefits of regular blogging, and the ideal frequency for publishing blog posts. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks to help you create high-quality blog content that will engage your readers and boost your search engine ranking. So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the world of blogging for SEO success!

The Importance of Blogging for SEO

When it comes to SEO, content is king. Your website’s ranking on search engines like Google is heavily influenced by the quality and relevance of your content. That’s where blogging comes in. By regularly publishing blog posts that are informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience, you can boost your website’s search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your site.

Blogging also helps you to establish your brand as an authority in your industry. When you share valuable insights, tips, and information with your audience, they begin to see you as an expert in your field. This can lead to increased trust and credibility, which can ultimately lead to more conversions and sales.

Finally, blogging is a great way to keep your website fresh and up-to-date. Search engines love websites that are regularly updated with new content. By regularly publishing blog posts, you signal to search engines that your website is active and relevant. This can help to improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your site.

Now that we’ve established the importance of blogging for SEO, let’s dive into the question of how often you should blog. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The frequency of your blog posts depends on several factors, including your business goals, target audience, and the type of content you produce.

For some businesses, publishing blog posts once a week may be sufficient. For others, publishing multiple blog posts per day may be necessary. Ultimately, the key is to find a frequency that works for your business and your audience.


Why I now prefer updating my old content to posting new blog posts

You put a lot of time writing your blog posts and not all, but many are your bread and butter for getting traffic on your website! These top ranking blog posts slowly lose their appeal in google search results.

Perhaps you’ve had a blog post that was getting a thousand views a day from google search results, but now it only receives less than thirty! You can refreshen these blog posts and make them great again!

It’s actually easier than thinking 🤔 of new content for a new blog post.

A word from the wise. Make sure you’re not bogging the same content.

Beware of keyword cannibalization!

What’s keyword cannibalization? When you’re writing multiple blog posts/pages that are competing against each other. If you have too many pages that are cannibalized, it will slowly poison your website. Google does not know what to rank and your site gets “watered down” for the authority of the topic. I had a client that hired someone to blog for their website and after years of duplicate content, the entire website fell from search rankings from the first page to the fifth etc. I took a look at his site and saw that the person that was blogging for them was lazy and just copying old posts from years ago and publishing them as new. Very sneaky, lazy, and unethical! However, the client confronted the blogger and she promised to stop duplicating old content. I checked on the site in the near future and the blogger was still doing it!

Related Post: How to Update and Refresh Meta Titles and Descriptions FAST

Besides, the blog posts that were getting a lot of traffic were from posts you put a lot of effort into and probably enjoyed writing,

Factors to Consider When Determining Blog Frequency

When determining how often to blog, there are several factors you should consider:

Business Goals

What are your business goals? Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website? Generate leads? Increase sales? Your blogging frequency should align with your business goals. If your goal is to drive more traffic to your website, you may need to publish more blog posts than if your goal is to generate leads.

Target Audience

Who is your target audience? What are their interests and needs? How often do they consume content? Your blogging frequency should align with the preferences and needs of your target audience. If your target audience is highly engaged and consumes a lot of content, you may need to publish more blog posts than if your target audience is less engaged.

Type of Content

What type of content do you produce? Some types of content, such as news and current events, may require more frequent updates than evergreen content. Your blogging frequency should align with the type of content you produce.

The Benefits of Consistent Blogging

Regardless of how often you choose to blog, the key is to be consistent. Consistent blogging has several benefits:

Improved Search Engine Ranking

As we’ve already established, search engines love websites that are regularly updated with fresh content. By consistently publishing blog posts, you can improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your site.

Increased Engagement

Consistent blogging also helps to increase engagement with your audience. When your audience knows that they can expect new content from you on a regular basis, they are more likely to engage with your brand and share your content with others.

Establishing Your Brand

Consistent blogging also helps you to establish your brand as an authority in your industry. When you consistently share valuable insights, tips, and information with your audience, they begin to see you as an expert in your field. This can lead to increased trust and credibility, which can ultimately lead to more conversions and sales.

How to Create a Blog Schedule

Now that you understand the importance of consistent blogging, let’s discuss how to create a blog schedule. Here are some steps you can take to create a blog schedule that works for your business:

Set Your Goals

The first step in creating a blog schedule is to set your goals. What do you hope to achieve through blogging? Is it increased traffic to your site? More leads? More sales? Once you’ve identified your goals, you can work backwards to determine how often you need to publish blog posts to achieve those goals.

Determine Your Frequency

Based on your goals and the factors we discussed earlier, determine how often you need to publish blog posts. Be realistic, and consider your resources and bandwidth. It’s better to publish fewer high-quality blog posts than to publish more low-quality posts.

Create a Content Calendar

Once you’ve determined your blogging frequency, create a content calendar. This should outline the topics and titles of your upcoming blog posts, as well as the expected publish date. A content calendar can help you stay organized and ensure that you’re consistently publishing high-quality content.

Strategies for Maintaining a Consistent Blogging Schedule

Maintaining a consistent blogging schedule can be challenging, especially if you’re a small business with limited resources. Here are some strategies you can use to maintain a consistent blogging schedule:

Outsource Your Content Creation

Consider outsourcing your content creation to a professional copywriter or content marketer. This can help to ensure that you’re consistently publishing high-quality content, without overburdening your in-house team.

Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing your existing content can help to save time and ensure that you’re consistently publishing new content. For example, you can turn a blog post into a video, infographic, or social media post.

Batch Your Content Creation

Batching your content creation can help to save time and ensure that you’re consistently publishing new content. Set aside a block of time each week or month to create several blog posts at once.

Tips for Creating High-Quality Blog Content

Regardless of how often you choose to blog, the key is to create high-quality content that engages your audience and boosts your search engine ranking. Here are some tips for creating high-quality blog content:

Know Your Audience

Before you start writing, make sure you understand your target audience. What are their pain points? What questions do they have? What topics are they interested in? Use this information to create content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.

Use Keywords

Using keywords in your blog posts can help to improve your search engine ranking. Make sure to use keywords in your post title, meta description, and throughout your post.

Write High-Quality Content

When writing blog posts, focus on creating high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and well-written. Use subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up text and make your content more readable.

Use a Call to Action

Include a call to action in each blog post, encouraging your readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for your newsletter or downloading a free resource.

Tracking and Measuring the Success of Your Blogging Efforts

Finally, it’s important to track and measure the success of your blogging efforts. Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic, bounce rate, and time on site. Monitor your search engine ranking for relevant keywords. Use social media analytics to track engagement with your content. Use this information to refine your blogging strategy and improve your results.


Here’s my analogy of blog freshness

Did you know your blog freshness and SEO go hand in hand?

You need lots of great high quality content and it needs to be pruned like a rosebush 🌹 by updating the content, adding new information, not just creating new blog posts.

Don’t let your rosebush become overgrown and uncared for 🥀 .

(Did you like my analogy? Hopefully if you do have rosebushes and a green thumb, you go out and tackle that chore today too. – wear gloves🧤)

If you want to drive traffic to your site I’ll tell you the trick for combining blogging frequency for SEO benefits. (below) 😃

how often should i blog for my business

It’s true, blog posts that rank well in Google have these five traits in common:

  • Blog updated often
  • High-quality content
  • Sharable content
  • Fast loading
  • Mobile friendly
  • In-depth content
  • Great user experience

If your blog has all 7 of these characteristics, your blog is going to be booming with traffic! Unfortunately, these 7 traits take a lot of work to make happen.

RELATED POST  How to Rank Higher on Yelp FREE

Just getting “into the mood for blogging” can sometimes be your biggest obstacle!

Just dive in there 🏊‍♀️ already!

Content to add to old blog posts:

Just adding new content is great. 👍 Adding updated content that’s newsworthy is even better! The recommendations below not only update your content but also enrich it for a better user experience. I recommend you add some of the following that may apply to your blog post or page:

  • Images – maybe an update on your progress using a product
  • FAQ Schema – Adding new related questions with answers
  • In-depth content – Naturally sprinkle in related keywords
  • Videos – Embed your Youtube Videos into the related content
  • Add a story – If appropriate write why you wrote this post
  • Add related links to higher authority sources
  • Add bullet points – such as what you’re reading 😉
  • Add H2, H3, H4, tags to break up your text and add readability
  • Freshen up the Meta description

 Related: Free WordPress Plug-ins to Speed up your Blog

You need to blog as often as you can (keeping quality in mind)

Don’t blog for the sake of having a new post

As a matter of fact, STOP publishing short blog posts. Google calls short blog posts “thin content”. There’s not much text for google to “grab on to” and analyze. Adding more text creates a more in-depth blog post, making you look like an expert! Not only that, but your content also becomes more trustworthy too!

When someone finds your blog post that answers their question and many more related questions, they may actually bookmark and share your page.

If your blog post does not have all five traits, you’re just going to be wasting your time and your dedicated reader’s time. Your blog post most likely won’t rank well in google either.

When you take the time to write a new blog post, you want to make sure it lands on google’s first page. Taking your time to write a well-written blog post that someone will actually learn something from and want to share – that’s your best bet. If you can make this happen, run wild and update daily! If you can’t, take your time with your blog post, even work on it throughout the week to develop the blog post into that high-quality slam dunk.

How often you should update your website's blog

Related: How to Add SEO to your Blog Post

The trick for combining frequent blog post updates For SEO benefits

It can be overwhelming cranking out a fresh new blog post every day, so don’t! Just rewrite/update the old ones. I have some tips on how you can combine a frequent blog post strategy for maximum SEO benefits.

  • Blog about one main keyword and naturally add long-tail keywords – Let your blog post have one specific question and answer it from all aspects. This helps you concentrate on one topic rather than getting overwhelmed about sub topics.
  • Link to related content in your blog post – If you have a blog post about “How to use instagram for your local business” write another blog post “10 Creative ways how to use instagram for your business.” Now link these blog posts together and you’re cooking with fire!
  • Go “in depth” on one topic – As you see on this blog I have many posts about instagram, this casts a wider net for SEO. The more content I have about the topic, gives me my website authoritative points for being a social media maven.
Why You’re Not Getting Search Engine Traffic

Related: 10 Reason’s why you’re not getting Google search engine traffic


Websites that update often, (once a week) sends a ranking factor to Google to come back and crawl your content regularly. This can help your other blog posts gain momentum and boost their ranks. I have also experimented by slightly rewriting an old blog post and republishing it – changing the time stamp. The blog post that was once old was new again and gaining lots of blog traffic like it once did.

Stale content?

Yuck! 🤢 Who left that blog post in the refrigerator for two years?

Ya, it’s kinda like that. Joking. Ok I admit that analogy was lame.

You need to take those blog posts out of the refrigerator and make meals out of them or throw them away (delete them if they’re outdated and not helpful)

Blogs that have not updated in a long time (1 year or more) usually see a decline in blog ranks. However, this is not the case if your content is being shared on social media! If you’re constantly promoting your content, you might even see an increase in traffic.

I hope I helped answer how often you should blog for your business. Remember, the more high quality content you have, the better chances you have receiving organic google traffic to your website. Having a blog that has hundreds of high quality posts also ensures you gain a boost in website traffic. Overall, a good rule of thumb is to publish/update at least one high quality blog post a week.

RELATED POST  You Need to Be Collecting Email Addresses

Difference of opinion

There are many set blogs that recommend publishing new posts daily. Sure it seems amazing, but may not fit with your website. If you have a news website such as a health news site, yes you should update often. However, if you’re a small mom and pop donut shop, you’re probably not going to update daily.

“But I don’t have time to be blogging or updating old content.”

Well guess what? I do have the time to update your blog posts… hire me already! (I’m an SEO expert in San Diego.)

RELATED POST  10 Technical Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Search Engine Traffic

BTW. Thanks for reading.

Got questions? Leave me a comment down below!


In conclusion, blogging is an important tool for SEO success. The frequency of your blog posts depends on various factors, including your business goals, target audience, and the type of content you produce. Regardless of how often you choose to blog, the key is to be consistent and create high-quality content that engages your audience and boosts your search engine ranking. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can create a successful blogging strategy that helps to drive traffic to your website and build your brand.

No Visitors to My Website – Here’s Why

No Visitors to My Website – Here’s Why

Why is my blog is receiving ZERO traffic? Here’s Why:

It may have been de-indexed by google. If you were scraping content from other websites, have a spammy website, have bad HTML, keywords cannibalization, hacked, bad backlink profile etc.

Or maybe it’s just your SEO! Need an exact answer? Contact me today for an SEO consultation. Contact me for SEO here.


Don’t want to read? Listen to my podcast now:

how to get ranked in google

Why You’re Not Getting Search Engine Traffic you deserve
. You spent a lot of time carefully writing your latest blog post and it’s not generating any website traffic. ZERO. Worst of all, it’s not showing up in Google search results. Why?

Don’t worry, it happens when you’re new at blogging. I know your frustration. Yes, it can happen.

What’s up Google? Why don’t you like my brand new blog post?
You might just have a technical error that you can fix.

So, I’m sharing my personal checklist why you’re not getting search engine traffic or simply not being indexed by Google.

RELATED POST  How to Rank Higher in Google Maps

#1. Your website has more than 1pair of “H1” tags on the page

Holy smokes. If you right-click on your website and examine the code and see more than one pair of “H1” tags. Better call your SEO service provider! The H1 tag is a very important tag in your site that tells google the main focus about your page. If you have too many or if you “H” tags are not properly optimized and or not working with your keywords, you’re not going to be listed in your desired keywords for Google search results.

The fix: Remove extra H1 tags ASAP! And make sure your main H1 tag is properly optimized for your keyword about the page!

#2. Your blog post isn’t indexed by Google – may have been de-indexed!

The fix: You need to manually submit your blog post URL to Google and your sitemaps. Clean up your website’s shady content.

Were you doing something shady?

Ways to get Deindexed by Google

You may need to do some cleaning up. You may have scraped content, spam, bad code etc. If it’s not that then perhaps Google’s bots haven’t discovered your new blog post, you’re not going to show up in Google’s search results. It can take a while but there’s a way to speed up the indexing process and cut in front of the line. Once Google receives your page and its bots examine the content, Google will decide where your page deserves to rank in Google SERPS (search engine Results Page) Once you’re indexed, your blog will start to receive search engine traffic.

  • Submit your new blog post URL into Google Webmaster Tools 
  • Submit your Sitemap to Google in Google’s search console

#3 You’re Going After too Competitive keywords

The fix: Be more specific with your keywords longer is better

  • Instead of “Laptop repair San Diego.”
  • Try “Dell Laptop repair San Diego”

It’s true, you’ll receive more website traffic from long tail keywords. Have a computer repair shop in San Diego? Instead of just going after the keywords “Computer Repair San Diego” (which has a ton of competition) Go after a specific laptop you repair, try “Dell Laptop Repair San Diego”  It’s working for my client. Hyphenet shows up on the first page for “Dell Laptop Repair San Diego. Wooo hoo!

How to Find Long Tail Keywords for SEO

Recommended Read: How to Find Long Tail Keywords for SEO

#4 You’re Not Catering to your Target Market

The fix: Find your target market

You have a niche website and you need to know your audience. What would they want to read about and what other content would spark their interest while they’re browsing your blog?

  • What kind of personality does you brand have? –  Caring? Funny? Serious? Creative?
  • Demographics – Income level? Gender? Kids? Education? Age? Marital status?
  • Does your Title and Meta description speak to your target market?

#5 Your headlines are boring and lack SEO

The fix: Try headline generators

Did you know headlines are the single MOST important part of your blog post? Make sure your headline is a long tail keyword, second, make sure it’s wrapped in an <H1> tag. Third, it needs to be interesting and irresistible to click. Don’t worry, it’s actually easy. There’s many headline formulas proven to drive traffic to websites. Try my favorite headline generators and bring a touch of interest and psychological triggers to your headlines.

#6 Your Blog Post Are Not Long Enough

The fix: Answer all your audience’s questions

Related: SEO Checklist for Newbs

Are you writing new blog posts as fast as you can? Slow down there buddy. Keep it about quality and length rather than spitting out a quick blog post for the sake of having new content. You want to carefully craft content that has valuable information and answers all your user’s questions. It should also have nice images.

  • Google prefers a blog post that’s 2,000 words in length rather than 200 words length
  • Longer blog posts are shared more often

#7 You’re Not Producing Sharable Blog Posts

The fix: Create a richer user experience and add quality resources

Think of all the types of blog posts you share with friends. It’s usually high quality, helpful, controversial or perhaps visually engaging.

Here’s some characteristics of sharable content:

Related: How often should I update my company’s blog?

  • Professional Graphics / Visually translates your content
  • Vertical graphics with the headline are great for Pinterest traffic
  • Useful information that answers questions
  • Appealing headlines that spark curiosity or instant gratification
  • Appeals to you target market
  • Controversial
  • Make sure your blog has social media share buttons
  • Case studies
  • Free content / ebooks

#8 You’re Not Adding Internal Links to your Blog Posts

The fix: Sprinkle related content throughout your post

Internal links help Google learn what your website is all about and rank it accordingly. Users will also appreciate seeing internal links to more in depth content on your blog. Internal links usually flow within the content, making it useful if the blog covers terms you’re unfamiliar with.

RELATED POST  FREE Images for Your Website Royalty-Free

Google will see that you’re an expert for this category and rank you higher.

  • Make sure your internal links open in the same window
  • Internal links make your website easier for search engines to crawl
  • Internal links will improve your CTR (click-through rate) beneficial to your Google Adsense revenue

#9 You’re Not Using the WordPress Platform

The fix: Hire a website designer to give you a head start

I’ve seen other platforms that are horrible for SEO. I’m not going to say their names…. they’re in so many commercials and advertised heavily online. I just laugh.

You can’t do worthwhile SEO on some of these platforms. The “SEO” section they provide is a joke. I’ve had a friend ask me which keywords to add to his website platform’s SEO section!

I told her that’s not what SEO is. You don’t just write a piece of content and post keywords in a box. It’s a “red pill” moment there. I took my time and explained the world of SEO to her and she was so amused and thankful.

In other words, get yourself on WordPress! The platform is 100% FREE. You can just buy yourself a domain and web hosting with GoDaddy. (renew that yearly and you’re set!)

WordPress is a website platform that’s optimized for quickly indexing your new blog posts. WordPress will significantly help your blog posts rank quickly. There’s so many good reasons I build my client’s websites on WordPress:

  • You don’t need to know HTML
  • Log in from any computer
  • Plug-ins for enhanced functions
  • Easy to use
  • Many SEO benefits
  • Many themes to choose from
  • Easy to make responsive

#10 Your Website is Too Slow

The fix: Utilize plug-ins and watch image file size

Google won’t rank your website on the first page especially if your website takes longer than five seconds to load. Users will get frustrated and click the back button to previous search results. You need to optimize your WordPress website and perform regular maintenance.

  • Install plug-ins to speed up your WordPress Site
  • Optimize your images keeping the file size low but quality high as possible
  • Place your long-tail keywords on your image ALT tags and Title for image search traffic

#11 Your website looks Spammy

The fix: Remove low quality links and remove excess keywords

You’re doing things that make your website look low quality and spammy. I recommend the WordPress plug-in Yoast SEO. It will help keep your blog post within Google’s guidelines. It will also make sure your keyword density is not in excess. You may also have thousands of spammy backlinks. Don’t do the following:

  • Don’t keyword stuff
  • Don’t link to tons of affiliate links
  • Don’t link to lots of low-quality links
  • Use Google’s disavow tool to remove spammy backlinks
  • Don’t have multiple pop-ups
  • Don’t have tons of ads, especially above the content

RELATED POST  How to Make Money Blogging

#12 You don’t have quality backlinks

That’s right. Backlinks are like the bread and butter to your SEO. Some great ways to gain quality backlinks – Do this!:

  • Build quality, helpful content
  • Have sharable images/infographics
  • Guest post
  • Build a useful tool

#13 Your site’s robots.txt file is blocking Google

I cannot believe how many times I’ve examined a WordPress site and it has been set to discourage bots to index the page. Many times web designers check the box as pictured below and forget to uncheck the box when the site goes live! 

why your site is not showing in google

The fix: In WordPress go to: Settings > Reading > and uncheck the box: “Discourage search engines from indexing this site”

Hey bloggers, thanks for reading 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Search Engine Traffic. If this blog post helped you, please share this post.

Would you like help getting your website optimized for Google?
Don’t forget, I’m a San Diego SEO expert and ready to help your website get ranked higher in Google search results.

Now that we’ve discussed the technical reasons, check out Jeff Bullas article: 8 Reasons Why You’re NOT Getting any Website Traffic

#14 Your website is not Mobile-Friendly

The fix: Make your site mobile-friendly! There’s free plug-ins available. You can even activate AMP pages.

The biggest algorithm I have seen affect websites is known as the “Mobilegeddon”. This update happened on April 21, 2015. This had many businesses scrambling to make their websites mobile-friendly. It was a nightmare for large websites with complex navigation. Even worse, it was sink or swim in mobile search results!  At the time, Google search results had a “mobile-friendly” tag next to the mobile listing SERPS. Websites that were prepared gained the traffic they deserved.

#15 Your Website is Brand New

Just like a new store in a town, it takes time for people to know about your website.

Solution: Be patient and focus on consistent content creation and promotion. Over time, as search engines index your content and you gain backlinks, your visibility will increase.

#16 Poor Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If your website isn’t optimized for search engines, you’re missing out on a ton of organic traffic.

Solution: Focus on on-page and off-page SEO. This includes optimizing meta tags, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks.

#17 Not Mobile-Friendly

In today’s digital age, a significant chunk of users browse through mobile devices. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re turning away a vast audience.

Solution: Opt for a responsive design that adjusts to various screen sizes. Test your website’s mobile compatibility regularly.

#18 Slow Loading Speed

A slow website is a surefire way to deter visitors. If your site takes ages to load, most users will bounce off before even seeing your content.

Solution: Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

#19 Lack of Quality Content

Content is king. If your website doesn’t offer valuable information, visitors won’t stick around.

Solution: Focus on creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that addresses your audience’s needs and queries.

#20 No Social Media Presence

Social media platforms are a goldmine for traffic. If you’re not active on these platforms, you’re missing out.

Solution: Create profiles on relevant social media platforms and share your content regularly. Engage with your audience and build a community around your brand.

#21 Technical Issues

Broken links, server downtimes, and other technical glitches can deter visitors.

Solution: Regularly audit your website for technical issues and fix them promptly.

#22 Not Using Paid Advertising

While organic traffic is excellent, paid advertising can give you an immediate boost.

Solution: Consider investing in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns or social media ads to drive targeted traffic.

#23 Targeting the Wrong Audience

If you’re attracting the wrong crowd, they won’t be interested in your content or offerings.

Solution: Refine your buyer personas and tailor your content and marketing strategies accordingly.

#24 Negative Online Reputation

Bad reviews or negative press can drive potential visitors away.

Solution: Address negative feedback head-on, improve your services, and encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews.

#25 Not Analyzing and Adapting

If you’re not tracking your website’s performance and making necessary adjustments, you’re flying blind.

Solution: Use analytics tools to monitor your traffic sources, user behavior, and other vital metrics. Adapt your strategies based on the insights.


Why is my new website not getting traffic? New websites often face a period of obscurity as they’re yet to be indexed by search engines and haven’t built a reputation. Focus on SEO, content creation, and promotion to gain visibility.

How can I improve my website’s loading speed? Optimize images, use browser caching, minimize code, and consider using a CDN to enhance your website’s speed.

Is paid advertising worth it for website traffic? Yes, paid advertising, like PPC and social media ads, can provide an immediate boost in targeted traffic. However, it’s essential to optimize campaigns for the best ROI.

How often should I update my website’s content? Regularly updating your content keeps it fresh and relevant, which can improve SEO and attract repeat visitors. Aim for at least once a month, if not more.

Can negative reviews impact my website traffic? Absolutely! A negative online reputation can deter potential visitors. Address any negative feedback and work on improving your services.

What’s the importance of mobile optimization for website traffic? With a significant portion of users browsing on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. It ensures a good user experience and can positively impact SEO.


“No Visitors to My Website – Here’s Why” is a concern many website owners face. However, with the right strategies and a proactive approach, you can turn the tide. Focus on understanding the root causes, implementing the solutions outlined above, and consistently monitoring and adapting. Your website will soon be buzzing with visitors, and the days of zero traffic will be a distant memory.

UPDATE: I have 5 SEO Tips you can do that will BOOST traffic to Any Website

why your website is not getting search engine traffic


How to Make Money Blogging

How to Make Money Blogging

Join one of the 70 awesome Ad networks to make money blogging.

You have a blog, now get paid for your blog posts!

It’s true. The fastest way to start making money from your blog is by using paid blogger networks.

RELATED POST  How Often Should You Be Blogging

Ad Networks to Join to Make Money Blogging

Paid blogger networks are sponsored post agencies. This is where you can make money publishing blog posts such as reviews and articles.

RELATED POST  How to Build a Successful Blog

Why use networks? It saves time so you don’t have to find companies on your own to work with.

*It’s great making money online, but be honest by ALWAYS including a disclosure in your blog post that you are earning money for your blog post.

As promised, here’s the list:

(All links working and tested 5/9/2020 Some have been removed)


  1. SponsoredReviews 
  2. SocialSpark
  3. LinkFromBlog
  4. LinkWorth
  5. LinkVehicle
  6. Amazon Associates Affiliate Program*FAV
  7. Share A Sale
  8. Swag Bucks
  9. Blogdash
  10. Bloggy Moms
  11. Boost Insider
  12. Bookieboo
  13. Collectively
  14. Cooperatize
  15. DepositPhotos
  16. Ebates
  17. iConnectInfluence
  18. Global Influence
  19. Green Moms Meet
  20. Influenster
  21. IZEA
  22. Linqia
  23. Mami Innovative Media
  24. Markerly
  25. Mom Central
  26. Mom It Forward
  27. The Motherhood
  28. Mami Innovative Media
  29. Mom Select
  30. Parents
  31. Pollinate
  32. PubExchange*FAV
  33. Savings DealPro Network
  34. SITS Girls
  35. Social Fabric
  36. Socialix
  37. Social Insiders
  38. Sponsored Reviews
  39. Sverve
  40. SIXPushMedia
  41. $5Dinners
    Popular Ad Networks
  42. Google Adsense*FAV
  43. ClickBank
  44. CJ
  45. Ad Media
  46. Sovrn
  47. Tomoson
  48. Walmart Affiliates
  49. Target Affiliates
  50. Affiliate Window
  51. Flexoffers
  52. Avantlink
  53. Revenuewire
  54. rakuten
    Popular for Beauty and Fashion Bloggers!
  55. RewardStyle
  56. ShareASale
  57. Beso
  59. Estarer
  60. Romwe
  61. ShopStyleConnection
  62. HouseofCB*FAV
  63. Forever21
  64. FashionNova
  65. SigmaBeauty
  66. JuiceBeauty
  67. SallyBeauty
  68. Wantable

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It’s super easy monetizing your blog!

There’s a blog network that works for every niche. Take a look at each of these paid blogger networks. Every blogger can earn money online! Everybody such as stay at home moms, dads, fashionistas, foodies, travelers, you name it. They all earn money from at least a few of these paid blog networks.

“But I think it’s too complicated…”

I talk to tons of bloggers and many say their blog brand is not established enough or they think it’s difficult or they’re not tech savvy enough.

But they’re wrong.

No blog traffic yet?
Monetize your blog now because eventually, you WILL get traffic!

Imagine waking up realizing one of your pinterest pins went viral and one of your blog posts went viral.

What are you waiting for?

I DARE you…

RELATED POST  SEO Checklist for SEO on Your Blog Post

Join one of these 70 Ad Networks to Make Money Blogging

The best two networks to get you started:

I highly recommend everyone join Google Adsense and Amazon Associates.

Enjoy! And good luck!