I LOVE Ranking Small Businesses Higher in Google Search Results!
My favorite moment is when my clients call me saying… “Jen, whatever you did to our website, we’re finally getting more calls and emails…THANK YOU!!!”

Here’s all you need to know
Howdy y’all!
Just kidding, I don’t really talk like that! Hi, welcome! I’m Jen.
Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to learn more about me!
Here’s my professional bio:
Jen Ruhman is an SEO Expert in San Diego, CA. She has helped hundreds of small businesses in San Diego rank their websites organically in search results. Not only does she excel in optimizing web content for bots, she has also mastered the art of writing compelling copy for humans.
Here’s my less boring bio:
I’m a down-to-earth, hardworking woman with an insatiable thirst for knowledge (sometimes that thirst is quenched by refreshing ice coffee.) When I’m not sitting behind my laptop or taking care of household chores like cooking dinner you can find me walking my dogs or exploring new restaurants, or just plain getting dorky with new technology! Did I mention that I’m proud to support a local dog rescue, Born Again Animal Rescue.
When you work with me, I donate a yearly portion to this amazing San Diego dog rescue. (My 2 puppies are from there)
And when I really want to have fun, there’s nothing better than shopping online. Who’s with me? 🙂
Wow, that was a lot in one paragraph.
BTW, my name changed to Jen Valenzuela – I married my best friend Ruben <3
Those are the passions that I truly love, get excited about, and constantly find myself hungry to learn more about daily! And that’s good news because Google’s algorithms are constantly changing.
Now that you know everything about me, where do we go from here?

Photo above: Keynote Speaker at Platt College 2015

My Background
I have already had my own SEO success
Upon graduating from Platt College, I have been working in the beautiful city of San Diego starting out as a graphic and website designer, working my way up to online marketer and SEO specialist! (I’m the Platt college keynote speaker for graduating class of 2015)
Luckily, I get invited back to Platt College to speak to the students about my journey and happily answer any questions and give advice; it’s FUN!
Fortunately, I have had great opportunities working for large and small companies where I acquired many skills and achieved many professional goals. I am truly happy and thankful for my journey and always have the luxury being able to work from home.

Here’s Why I Started My Own SEO Services!
No nonsense. Straight 100% SEO.
First of all, I absolutely LOVE helping small businesses become more profitable. It makes my day knowing I’m a part of your success! It gives me confidence and true happiness.
Second, I LOVE a challenge that depends on me being extremely persistent and competitive.
Ranking for competitive keywords can take a long time. That’s where I excel.
Truth be told, I have declined job offers to work at the most prestigious SEO agencies in San Diego.
Why?! Many SEO companies guarantee quick #1 rankings in Google and that is completely unethical. I simply refuse to be a part of such marketing tactics. (not all SEO businesses are like that but It’s common in the industry.)
Third, I don’t want to work for an agency where I’m assigned 30+ accounts and expected to maintain top rankings no matter how Google’s feeling that day, eat at my desk because I have deadlines, and treating clients like a faceless number, NO thank you! It’s madness, stressful – enough to give anyone a heart attack.
I’m free as a bird working with businesses that I WANT to work with. I truly enjoy my time speaking with my clients. They’re all AWESOME!
That’s why I decided to offer quality, affordable no-nonsense, expert SEO Services in San Diego. And have the luxury of working with clients I can meet face-to-face. I don’t have to be the “man behind the curtain like the Wizard of Oz.” 😁

I enjoy my success, now hire me to bring success to your business!
Are you still reading? Thank you so much for learning more about me!
Woo hoo! You rock!
If you’re interested in my SEO services, I’d like to learn about you and your business!