Get your site found on Google.

Hi, I’m Jen! For over ten years, I’ve been using my SEO skills to help lots of different brands, big and small, get more visitors to their websites and earn more money.

rank in google

What is SEO?


Make your website really stand out from the rest.

Did you know that 87% of people start their shopping with an online search?

That’s what says. So, the higher your site shows up in those searches, the more likely it is that customers will pick you over your competitors who don’t rank as well.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about doing the work on your website to help it move up in those search results. To put it simply, when your site is set up right for SEO, more people will visit it. And more visitors mean more potential customers, which can lead to more money for you. That’s definitely a big win.

Boost Your Local Presence with 15 Tailored Google My Business Posts

Make Google Work for YOU!

With the right SEO strategy, you can claim your space at the top of search results and become the go-to choice for customers ready to make a purchase.

Are you ready to seize the moment and transform clicks into customers?

The digital world is bustling, with 8.5 billion Google searches happening every SINGLE day. The question is: Are these potential customers finding YOU or your competitors?

The majority of our customers witness their websites climbing to the first page of search results for their chosen keywords, all within a six-month timeframe, provided they go with our suggested plan and permit on-site optimization.

Plus, you receive SEO reports that anyone can understand. I give you your website’s Google Analytics reports + a handwritten note that explains your current website’s overall progress.

How it Works

Our SEO service is remarkably straightforward—you can tally the steps on just one hand and still have fingers left over.

1. Learn your business goals

Understanding Your Business Our process begins with a simple phone conversation. During this call, we’ll dive into a discussion about your business, understand your objectives (whether you’re looking to attract local customers or aiming for a global reach), and figure out the most effective strategy that fits within your budget.

2. We go to work on your website

Following a comprehensive audit of your site and a detailed analysis of your target audience, our SEO professionals will consistently implement updates and enhancements aimed at propelling your website to the top of search results, ensuring it garners the visibility it deserves.

3. Watch your website improve

Experience the Surge in Traffic Patience is key with SEO; it’s a process that doesn’t yield instant results. However, clients who have committed to the journey have witnessed remarkable transformations in their search rankings, soaring from positions well beyond the 100th mark, all the way up to the coveted top ten, and all this in just a matter of months.

Get 1 on 1 SEO Account Management


Site Evaluation:

First off, I’ll take a good look at your website to understand what we’re working with. My onboarding team and I will evaluate your site’s current SEO performance to identify where it might be needing a bit of love and attention. Together, we’ll carve out the most effective strategy to move forward and boost your site’s visibility.

Keyword Analysis:

I’ll dig deep into your site’s content and overall SEO health to handpick the most suitable keyword(s) for your business. We’ll take everything into account—from the products and services you offer and potential target locations, to the competitive landscape of your industry. Then, I’ll personally reach out, walk you through our findings, discuss our suggestions, and help you figure out our next steps together.

Continuous SEO Management:

SEO is an ongoing journey, and I’m here for the long haul. My team and I will consistently monitor your site’s rankings and I’ll be in touch on a monthly or quarterly basis to discuss the results. If something urgent pops up, you can expect a call from me right away. Plus, if things are sailing smoothly with your initial keywords, we can always brainstorm on expanding your presence with additional keywords.

Custom SEO Reports:

Rest assured, you’ll be consistently informed about your website’s performance with my personalized SEO reports. Written by me, Jen, these reports will provide you with a detailed analysis of your site’s rankings, a thorough examination of the traffic it’s receiving, and a comprehensive review of all the strides we’ve made throughout the campaign. I take pride in making my reports clear, straightforward, and easy to understand, ensuring you have all the information you need to stay updated and in control of your website’s SEO journey. I also attach your website Google Analytics G4 reports + keyword rankings in. a monthly email to your inbox.

Onsite SEO optimization.

Onsite Optimization Suggestions:

I strongly recommend taking this step, though it’s completely up to you. My team and I are ready to weave the perfect keywords into your site’s meta title, meta description, and at least one image’s alt text. This is crucial because it helps search engines see how relevant your page is to the keywords, boosting your site’s visibility. Don’t worry; I’ll send over any changes for your approval before we make them live.

Setting Up Google Tools:

To track essential SEO data, monitor traffic, and spot any issues on your site, I will personally make sure that Google Search Console and Google Analytics are set up and running smoothly. These tools are indispensable for gaining insights and ensuring your website performs at its best in search rankings. My team and I will keep an eye on everything and make sure you’re all set for success..

SEO is Here to Stay

Offsite SEO optimization.

Why Credit Repair Companies Need SEO
Shopify SEO services

Google, Yahoo & Bing Submissions:

Once I’ve fine-tuned your site with the perfect keywords, my team and I will roll up our sleeves and submit your website to the big players: Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. But we won’t stop there! We’re going to make sure your business details are sprinkled across a variety of social media platforms from Bing Business Portal and Yahoo Listings to Manta, Yellow Book, Foursquare, and Yelp. This does two amazing things: it makes your website way more accessible to potential online customers and it gives search engines a big thumbs up that your site is legitimate and trustworthy.

Directory Submissions:

Now, let’s talk about directories. By adding your site to various directories, we’re creating backlinks that point straight back to your site. Imagine these are like glowing recommendations telling search engines, “Hey, this site is one you can trust!”

Keyword Link Building:

One of the most effective ways to convince search engines that you’re a credible and knowledgeable source is to connect with other websites that are relevant to your chosen keyword. My team and I are on it! We scout for applicable websites, double-check their credibility, and then leave a thoughtful, unique comment with just the right content and keyword, all while linking back to your site.

Social Bookmarking:

And for the grand finale in our off-site SEO extravaganza, my team and I will bookmark the awesome links we’ve created for your business on popular sites like Pinterest, Reddit, Digg, and more. It’s like we’re creating a digital “favorites” list. These act as incoming links to your site, which is a huge deal for search engines when they’re deciding on rankings. Plus, since these bookmarks are public, they’re visible to other folks and can actually drive more traffic to your site. Win-win!

Content Creation.

Hey there! I’m Jen, and I’m here to talk about how I strategize the content for your website that aligns YOU as the expert! I write some quality blog posts, service pages, and more for your target market. We’re talking long-form content packed with all your essential keywords, plus links that shoot straight back to your site.

Why does this matter?

Because it’s like telling search engines, “Hey, these keywords are super important, and we’ve got the content to prove it!” Not to mention, these blogs are a goldmine for creating a whole bunch of lasting links right back to your corner of the web.

Now, when we say each post is one-of-a-kind, we mean it. No copy-paste job here! We’re all about making sure everything is spot on—from grammar to quality, and especially making sure we steer clear of any plagiarism. And just to put the cherry on top, we make sure these blogs are tailor-made just for your website. No recycled content here; we’re all about keeping things fresh and unique.

Article Content Creation, Jen Style

Alright, let’s chat about articles. These babies are a whole different ballgame compared to blogs. First off, they’re like the extended version—way more words, your keywords popping up left and right, and links galore back to your site. Plus, we dive deep, doing our homework to make sure everything is fact-based and totally reliable. This isn’t just about looking good for search engines; it’s about setting you up as the go-to expert in your field, which, by the way, makes search engines totally love you.

Just like our blogs, our articles go through the wringer to make sure they’re top-notch, but here’s the kicker—they get sent out to some pretty big-deal websites. Think Hubpages and Squidoo. These places get your words and your business out on a national stage, giving your keywords—and you—a way bigger crowd to play to.

So, there you have it! Whether it’s blogs or articles, we’ve got your back, making sure everything is just perfect and totally tailored to show the world just how awesome you are.

Content creation
SEO content clusters


Here’s a few life-changing reviews from a few clients that want to keep me as their secret weapon for online success!

Jen’s SEO services were a game-changer for my struggling online business. In just a few months, my website skyrocketed from obscurity to the top of search results, resulting in a massive increase in traffic and sales. Jen’s expertise, support, and dedication played a crucial role in this rags-to-riches transformation, making her an invaluable asset to my business’s success. I wholeheartedly recommend Jen to anyone in need of exceptional SEO services.
James W.

San Diego

Jen did an amazing job boosting my website’s popularity, especially here in San Diego where my business is located. She really knows her stuff when it comes to SEO, and it wasn’t long before my services started showing up at the top of search results in our area. She was super dedicated and always there to help, turning my almost invisible website into a busy and successful one. I’m really grateful for everything Jen has done and would recommend her to anyone who needs help getting their services noticed online in San Diego.
Richard B.

San Diego

Jen worked wonders for my Shopify store, propelling it right to the #1 spot in search results. I am beyond impressed with the results, and grateful for the attention and dedication she gave to my project. If you’re looking to boost your Shopify store’s online presence, especially to the top rankings, Jen is the person to go to. Her results speak for themselves, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to work with her.
Dennis M.

SEO is not just my job; it’s my absolute passion.

I’m Jen, and I live and breathe SEO! If you’re feeling unsure about what you need or just have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help, whether you’re a client or not. Just give me a call at 1-619-719-1315, and let’s talk it through. Your journey to understanding and mastering SEO is important to me, and I’m here to support you every step of the way!


Why is SEO important?
SEO is crucial because it helps your website become more accessible and visible to potential visitors. When your site ranks higher in search engine results, it’s more likely to attract clicks, driving more traffic, and potentially increasing leads and sales.
Are there any guarantees for SEO results?
Every website is unique, and with the ever-changing landscape of online competition and search engine algorithms, it’s tricky to offer any guaranteed outcomes in terms of SEO performance. However, what we can tell you is that our approach has consistently shown promising results in boosting site rankings. In fact, a whopping 80% of our clients find themselves on Google’s first page for their chosen keywords within just six months. That’s provided, of course, that they go for our recommended plan and give us the green light to tweak things on their site for optimization. So while we can’t make promises, we’re pretty confident in our process and the results it can bring!
Is SEO a one-time task, or does it require ongoing effort?
SEO requires continuous effort and maintenance. Search engines frequently update their algorithms, and the online competition is always changing. Regularly updating your content, monitoring your site’s performance, and adjusting your SEO strategies are essential to maintaining and improving your rankings over time.

If you have more specific inquiries or need further clarification on any of the topics mentioned above, feel free to reach out.

What are keywords and why are they important?
Keywords are words or phrases that potential visitors use to search for products or services on search engines. They are crucial in SEO because optimizing your website for relevant keywords helps search engines understand what your site is about, increasing your chances of ranking higher for those terms.
How do I choose the right keywords for my SEO strategy?
We will do this task for you. If you want to do this on your own: Start by conducting keyword research to identify terms that are relevant to your business and have a high search volume but low competition. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find the right keywords to target.
What are backlinks and why are they important?
Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They are crucial in SEO because they help build your site’s credibility and authority, which can contribute to higher rankings on search engines.
What is the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?
On-page SEO refers to optimizations made directly on your website, including content, headings, images, and meta tags. Off-page SEO involves external factors that influence your site’s ranking, such as backlinks, social media activity, and online reviews.
How long does SEO take to start working?
SEO is not an overnight process. It typically takes anywhere from three to six months to start seeing significant results, though this timeframe can vary depending on various factors such as the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your website, and the effectiveness of your SEO strategies.
What is Local SEO?
Local SEO is a branch of SEO that focuses on optimizing a website to be found in local search results. This is crucial for small businesses and services aiming to attract customers in a specific geographic area. By optimizing for local SEO, you increase your visibility to people searching for products or services near them, which can significantly impact foot traffic and local sales.
What is an SEO audit?
An SEO audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a website to assess its visibility and effectiveness in search engines. It involves analyzing various aspects of the website and its content, identifying areas of improvement to enhance its search engine performance. Here’s a breakdown of what an SEO audit typically involves:

1. Technical SEO Analysis:

This looks at the technical aspects of a website that can impact its visibility on search engines. It includes checking the website’s crawlability, site speed, mobile-friendliness, security, and the proper implementation of SSL certificates.

2. On-Page SEO Evaluation:

This involves assessing elements on the website pages that can influence search engine rankings. It includes analyzing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, URL structure, internal linking, and the quality of the content. The audit checks whether these elements are optimized for relevant keywords and follow SEO best practices.

3. Off-Page SEO Assessment:

Off-page SEO focuses on factors outside the website that can affect its reputation and authority. This part of the audit evaluates the website’s backlink profile, social media presence, and any other external signals that could influence search engine rankings.

4. Content Analysis:

This examines the quality, relevance, and structure of the website’s content. It aims to identify any duplicate content issues, content gaps, or opportunities for improvement to better satisfy the needs of the website’s audience and search engines.

5. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Evaluation:

A good user experience and intuitive design can positively influence SEO. This part of the audit assesses the website’s design, navigation, and overall user experience to identify any areas that might need improvement.

6. Competitor Analysis:

Understanding how competitors perform in terms of SEO can provide valuable insights. This section of the audit involves analyzing competitors’ websites to identify their strengths and weaknesses and uncover opportunities for improvement.

7. Local SEO Check:

For businesses serving specific geographic areas, a local SEO check is crucial. This involves verifying the business’s presence on local directories, ensuring consistency in Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) information, and optimizing the Google My Business listing.

8. Reporting and Recommendations:

After the audit, a detailed report is generated, summarizing the findings, highlighting areas of concern, and providing actionable recommendations for improvement. The report serves as a roadmap for fixing issues and optimizing the website for better search engine performance.

An SEO audit is an essential tool for businesses and website owners looking to improve their online presence, attract more organic traffic, and enhance their overall digital marketing efforts. Regular SEO audits ensure that the website stays up-to-date with the latest SEO best practices and continues to perform well in search engine results.

How much do you charge for SEO?
Please take a look at my SEO pricing that goes over 3 packages.

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Not only do I provide SEO services, I’m also always helping people learn more about SEO.

Elizabeth Dawson: Image SEO Case Study

Elizabeth Dawson: Image SEO Case Study

Thanks for checking out an image SEO case study I am doing for Elizabeth Dawson. Now, If you know Elizabeth, she's an amazing financial advisor and also an author here in San Diego. That being said, she wants to rank for the alternative spelling of her name "Elizabeth...

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