How do I speed-up my website for free?
I recommend you do the following:
- CloudFlare’s free CDN
- W3 Total Cache Plugin Enable Lazy Load in W3 Total Cache
- Gzip compression
- Delete excess plugins
- Optimize large images using Smush or manually using image optimizer
- Make sure you’re on a non-shared server! (definitely NOT free but most important! – everything listed above is the icing on the cake) More info below!
Look at my results on the Pingdom Website Speed Test! https://tools.pingdom.com/

First setup your Cloudflare CDN:
Follow the steps on this website:
Speed Up Your WordPress Website in 5 Minutes.
CloudFlare is a 100% FREE CDN that makes your website warp speed FAST! + FREE SSL Certificate. 😮
Let’s make your website faster than a NASCAR….for FREE! Yay! 😁 😄 😀
It’s totally true and it’s how this website is now faster than ever before.
RELATED POST FREE Royalty-Free Images for Your Blog
I recommend you run over to Cloudflare.com and sign up.
All you need to do is log into your hosting account and update your name servers. They make it so ridiculously easy. Copy / paste, wait a moment for your site to update, and you’re done.

You also get a “https://” secured aka encrypted website!
Everyone has been crying tho their momma about making sure their website is https://
Don’t worry, your kids are safe on my website 😅

What I LOVE about Cloudflare:
- It’s FREE (who doesn’t like that? Come on!)
- My sites are now encrypted
- Fast CDN (content delivery network)
- Cloudflare has helped me save 2 GB in the last month
- Cloudflare blocks or challenges bad requests from hitting my website
- They’re making the internet safer
- A fast solution for my clients seeking “a little lock”🔐 on their website
You will also want to install the plugin: Really Simple SSL
This ensures your website is coming up with the SSL certificate and helps rewrite any http urls to https. This way you don’t end up with mixed content and a broken lock on your url.
Not ready to make the switch to a “https” website?
I wish you’d make the switch, but hey I got ya. There’s some nifty (who uses the word nifty anymore?) WordPress plugins that can speed up your WordPress website.
Try these free wordpress plugins to speed up WordPress sites page load time under 2 seconds. No matter what host you use and without using a CDN. No paid Services.
Free Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress Website for faster page load time and SEO that actually work and they’re easy to use.
Fun fact: Speeding up your website will make it rank higher in Google
This is the quickest method how to speed up your wordpress blog using free WP plug-ins. This will only take you under ten minutes and you will see improvements in speed of your wordpress website.
First of all, congrats on making an effort to fix your slow website. There’s so many slow websites out there that drive people crazy. If your blog is using the WordPress platform, it’s not uncommon to experience a gradual slow down in page load time and responsiveness. The bigger your website becomes and your bad habit of constantly installing new plug-ins, WordPress can get cray sluggish.
However, every WordPress website needs a little maintenance for page load time. Here’s how to get your slow blog back up to speed. Ideally, you want to have a WordPress site that loads fast under 2 seconds. Let’s make it happen. 😉
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Next, install W3 Total Cache
Follow all these steps: https://bloggingwizard.com/w3-total-cache-cloudflare/
Remove plugins you don’t need! The less the better!
The types of plug-ins that slow down your site are usually: Jetpack, and most related content plug-ins. Delete them if you can handle it. Don’t be a wimp.
Gzip Compression
Gzip compression makes a noticeable difference.
Enabling Gzip compression is as simple as copying / pasting some code in your .htaccess file found here: https://varvy.com/pagespeed/enable-compression.html
You will need to have access to your .htaccess file found on your root directory
Speed up your Website NOW
Now that we’ve stripped down and cleaned up your slow dirty website, now we can place the right plug-ins and get to action. Install these now.
Free Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress Website:
There’s lots of posts that claim to speed up your WordPress website, however you only need to install these four to see a big difference. Remember, overall the less plug-ins you have, the faster your page load time.
After you install the plug-ins, test you page load speed at http://tools.pingdom.com/
Thanks for reading more about Free plugins to speed up your WordPress website.
Related: 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Search Engine Traffic
Ready to make your website lighting fast? I can help you. Don’t forget, I’m an SEO expert in San Diego, ready to help optimize your website. Contact me today for a quote.
OK, can we now talk about the IMPORTANCE of a FAST website host?

Holy MOLEY, If you are paying for a cheap web hosting package, you most likely have a SLOW website no matter what!
Don’t blame the person doing technical SEO for your website if you’re a cheapskate for website hosting.
Here’s the bottom line – the fat ugly truth about having a shared hosting plan is that the resources are shared with other sites on that server. Heck you could be sharing web resources with a popular porn website, meaning that demand for that site is costing your site to slow down! So if your hosting is at a price too good to be true, it probably is cheap hosting that’s shared.
And website speed is becoming so insanely important to Google that it’s most likely costing your website traffic to drop as they favor faster websites.
I’ve worked on a client’s website recently that slowed down to a 4 second load time that was once about 1 second load time. After doing some testing, I discovered the server was the only variable thanks to a https://gtmetrix.com/ test that shows the server response time! You can optimize your images and code all you want but if you have a lame hosting package, there’s no point.