2022 is here and your SEO strategy needs to be able to be stronger and more consistent than ever!
Let’s face it. More people are buying monthly SEO services now, meaning the competition is FIERCE!
I personally have never seen SEO services skyrocket 🚀 like this before! Everyone wants to rank page 1 and everyone wants to rank #1. The online businesses that put in the consistent work and quality effort will be the ones rewarded by google without a doubt in 2022 and beyond!
So let’s dive into what makes SEO sink or float in 2022:
MY #1 SEO tip for 2022 is consistency!
With SEO more popular than ever – everyone is either doing their own SEO, has an SEO agency already, or looking to hire an SEO company to handle their SEO for them. What makes the difference? How often is there SEO being done for their website? Once every six months? Once a week? When was the last time your content was updated or new content was added?
BTW – Follow me on Instagram for my SEO tips and funny (well I find humourous) videos! yay! 😁
Meta Tags
The meta description is another underused SEO boost. It’s time to take advantage of this space with clear and concise copy that includes your focus keywords, which will entice users into clicking on them – thus acting as additional marketing for your brand or website! Look at the competitor’s metas and give yours an irresistible makeover. You can make a spreadsheet for all the titles and descriptions you want to test. Give them a month to measure. Track your results by looking at the page in Google Analytics. Pick the winner from there. I know it’s a pain in the butt to test and have patience, but this can really pay off in the end. Everyone wants a fast fix – but it’s not the case for SEO, it’s a long-term strategy where the patient strategist wins! (Like playing a game of chess!)
Refresh Your Old Top Performing Pages
If you’re looking to boost your site’s SEO, one of the best things that can happen is updating older content with a few new updates. This is really helpful if your content has screenshots of old interfaces – update it with the new interfaces! If there are new facts or data for your topic, add them! This will not only make it more appealing for search engines but also generate fresh organic traffic from social media users who may have forgotten about or never even knew about some previous post! You’ll be able to take advantage of this by going back through all past entries and seeing what could benefit from an update- without changing any URLs. So go ahead – do some refreshed work on those old pieces; rework them into something better than ever before! Heck, you might even want to throw some new internal links to the posts.
Add New Internal Links
Internal links are an easy way to increase clicks on your website without too much work. Google prefers internal linking because they think it makes pages more user-friendly, you get more click-thru opportunities, and it helps Google better understand your content, which means: internal links boost your SEO – you will get higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) if use this technique. Just don’t make it spammy!
Write a LOT about your Niche and Often
A topic cluster is a great way to keep your content fresh and interesting. It’s not enough just launching one piece, you should write about various topics in different posts or pages so that people can read them all together! Link to more in-depth content throughout your content. For example, look above in the paragraph where I mention internal linking – I linked to my in-depth post about internal links. (see what I did there?) 😁 If you write about your niche, guess what? Google will understand your website is authoritative in your niche. Cover every question in your niche. You can never run out of blog post ideas following this method.
So, to keep things short and sweet, these are my top 5 must-haves for SEO in 2022!
I hope these SEO tips help you focus on your SEO better this 2022.