What Holds People Back from Doing SEO?

people considering SEO

If you’ve been considering doing SEO for your business but haven’t taken the plunge yet, you’re not alone. Many businesses shy away from SEO because they don’t understand it or are intimidated by the process. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common reasons why people avoid doing SEO and how to overcome them.

Reason 1: Overwhelmed by Technical Knowledge

SEO can be a daunting task for someone who doesn’t have a lot of technical knowledge, so a common reason why people avoid doing SEO is because they don’t know where to start. While there are many complexities involved in SEO, the good news is that it doesn’t require an expert to do basic SEO work. Taking courses on platforms such as Udemy can give you an overview of what needs to be done and help you get started with basic SEO tasks. Additionally, there are many online resources that can provide helpful tips and tricks on getting started with SEO.

Reason 2: Poor Results in Previous Experiences

Another common reason why people avoid doing SEO is that they had poor results in previous experiences with it. The truth is that if you don’t have a solid understanding of how to properly use keywords and other elements of search engine optimization, your efforts won’t yield much fruit. That said, it’s essential to invest time into researching best practices around keyword usage and content optimization before attempting any sort of major projects related to SEO.

Reason 3: Fear of Failing or Making Mistakes

Finally, another big reason why people avoid doing SEO is that they fear making mistakes or failing at it all together. It can be scary to put in all of this effort only for nothing to come from it. But here’s the thing—instead of avoiding the challenge altogether out of fear, embrace it! Every mistake has the potential to teach us something new about our business or industry, so view them as learning opportunities rather than failures. Additionally, trial and error may be necessary when testing out different strategies in order to determine what works best for your business – so just take things one step at a time!

As intimidating as search engine optimization may seem at first glance, there are plenty of ways that businesses can get started with basic tasks without feeling overwhelmed by technical knowledge or fearful of failure, or making mistakes along the way. By investing some time into researching best practices around keyword usage and content optimization before attempting any sort of major projects related to SEO will pay off immensely in terms of successful outcomes down the line! For those who need additional help navigating through their own unique challenges with regard to their own respective online presence, hiring an experienced professional like me may be worth considering for further assistance!

Are you looking for more traffic to your website?

SEO is the best way to get more traffic to your website. Our monthly services will help you rank higher in Google searches, so you can get more leads and sales from your website.

At Jen Ruhman SEO, we want to help you grow your business online. We know that with the right SEO strategy, you can see a big increase in traffic and revenue. We’re a top SEO company in San Diego, CA. If you’d like our help, we’re one phone call away.

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