If you’re a marketer, you’ll definitely want to familiarize yourself with these captivating Snapchat facts! The insights you’ll gain from this data are truly astonishing.
It’s essential to consider encouraging your social media clients to stay current and explore Snapchat or delve into advertising on the platform, known as Snapads. Embracing Snapchat’s unique features and user base can open up exciting opportunities for reaching a diverse audience and enhancing your marketing efforts.
Snapchat – Never before have we seen such unprecedented social media dominance.
If you’re an advertiser, I have the updated snapchat facts you need in order to convince your clients to leverage snapchat.
150 million people use snapchat everyday!
Why? What’s the secret to snapchat’s success?
These elements empower Snapchat’s huge growth.
Here’s the Top 10 Snapchat Facts Marketers Need to Know
#1 Over 100 Million people use snapchat everyday
#2 Snapchat’s Video Views Are Now Greater Than Facebook’s
#3 Over 1 Billion snaps are created everyday
#4 60% Of All Smartphone Users Are Now On Snapchat
(Fox News)
Why? When asked, simply because it’s fun and they can express themselves.
#5 Over 10 Billion video views every day on Snapchat
#6 Snapchatters spend on average 25-30 minutes using Snapchat

#7 60% of Snapchat users are between the ages of 18 and 34 (Fox News)
#8 Snapchat is currently worth $25 Billion (Bloomberg 10/7/2016)
#9 Snapchat stories became so popular, Snapchat released Discover in January 2016
To help publishers reach their audience with their own video editorial.
#10 More people watch Snapchat covered events on Snapchat such as College Football or the MTV video music awards than on television
#11 Nearly twice as many 18-24 year olds watched coverage of the first GOP Debate on Snapchat than watch the debate on TV
#12 On ANY given day, Snapchat reaches 41% of 18-34 year olds in the U.S.
In comparison, the average U.S. TV network ONLY reaches about 6% of the SAME demographic
Ready to advertise on Snapchat? – Get Snapads
Snapchat Advertising Data 2016
Get started advertising on Snapchat! —-> https://www.snapchat.com/ads
#13 SNAPADS 5x Higher than Average Click-Thru Rate than other Social Media Sites!
And snapchat also does the advertising. Great results for advertisers. Snap ads is a unique combination of branded video advertising and direct response.
What’s a snap ad? It’s a full screen ad on Snapchat that allows Snap chatters to swipe up and interact with these ads and advertiser’s website.
Advertisers have a creative opportunity.
Gatorade produced a lens that produced 165 million views.
What are Snapchat lenses? They’re the fun video filters you can add to your story.
#14 22% of ad execs plan to advertise on Snapchat in 2016
(Fox News)
Related: Top 10 Instagram Facts Marketers Need to Know
#15 Revenue target of $300 million in 2016
Thanks for reading the Top 10 Snapchat Facts

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