Do you have a website that needs to rank high on google, but your pages aren’t indexing? Ugh, this is a popular problem, luckily, I’ll be talking about the ways to fix this issue. new websites especially have this problem. I know it can be frustrating but don’t worry – I have experience fixing this indexing issue on websites.

Let’s get your pages indexed in google and ranking!

SEO tips to get your pages indexed

You’ve probably spent a lot of time sharing your knowledge by creating helpful blog posts. You’re on the right track. That’s great news, let me tell you why.

The only way to organically grow traffic is with SEO. Without indexability, your hard work will go down the drain and you won’t be able to see any benefits from all that time spent on creating compelling content for people searching Google’s pages! The key isn’t just filling up keywords in accordance with what they want but also making sure everything has been done properly including formatting tags as well as images – otherwise known as ” HTML-coding.”

The more pages you rank in search engine results, the higher your site’s ranking.

That means improving indexation is key to success on SERPs! Here are eight tips from a leading SEO expert in San Diego, myself – Jen. I provide SEO services that will help boost Googlebot’s ability to find and understand content across all pages on our website without any hassle or problem whatsoever. So let’s get this SEO party started. ( You can tell I’m fun to work with – right?)

My #1 tip to get pages indexed:

1. Blog on a regular schedule

I know it’s hard to get time to craft amazing content. But you can find time eventually and schedule your content to post on a monthly schedule so it looks like you’re really on roll. The benefits of this regular blogging tip are HUGE!

Posting regularly is a great way to keep your site accessible and indexable. Search engines will crawl it more often if you post new content on a regular basis! The key to success on Google is posting regular content. Maintaining a schedule will make your site more visible and increase the chance that it gets indexed by search engines like google, yahoo or bing!

This will also help boost your site higher in google!

2. Resubmit your pages to Google Search Console

If you have a stubborn page that isn’t indexing after months of waiting, do this: Make some changes on the page such as updating the content, adding a helpful image or video, now resubmitting the page to the google search console. Thank me later! Give it a month for Google to think about it.

3. Write longer more in-depth posts

The days of writing a cute little 500-word blog post are long gone. You need to now cover everything in your blog post. Posts need to be at least 1K words to compete for google’s love and attention. Google wants to rank high-quality content that can help the reader find the best solution to their problem. To reach that amount of length, try outlining your blog post with a numbered list of points, that should keep your blog post flowing. Once you get typing and are “in the zone”, you may think of additional points to the list to add along the way!

Don’t forget to add internal links! Creating high-quality content with a lot of related internal links will get those Google bots crawling. This is an easy way to improve the indexing issues you may currently be experiencing!

4. Switch to a responsive website theme

Most website owners should have a responsive website by now. There are still a lot of old websites online that are definitely not mobile-friendly. There’s an easy fix available. You can change your theme to a responsive one, and there are a ton of free responsive website themes for WordPress. Even if you don’t want to change your theme, there are also plug-ins to make your site mobile-friendly.

With half of all searches done on mobile devices, your website needs to be responsive. This ensures that everyone gets a good user experience and you’ll rank higher with Google search results too!

5. Speed up your website

Nobody likes a slow website, especially Google! If you want to make sure your site gets noticed by Google bots, then it needs a fast speed. In order for their algorithms to see the content of pages as soon and clearly as possible – try compressing photos or other visuals on-site. There are so many options such as using a CDN (content delivery network) Smush – an image compressing plugin. You could also be on a shared server. You could even be dealing with a hacked site – Contact your hosting provider to double-check!

6. Submit your sitemap to every search engine

There, that’ll show ’em! Submit a site map to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools for indexation benefits.

To this day, one of the best tips for indexation remains to submit a site map to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. You can create an XML version using a free tool like Yoast SEO or manually do it through their respective websites by tagging each page that contains duplicate content on your website with its Canonical URL.

7. Make sure the page is linked from another page and accessible

Is it easy for a website visitor to find this page using your own linking structure? Is it a deep-linked page? Fix your site structure. Is it still not indexing and being stubborn? If a webpage on your site or subdomain is not being crawled, you can get it indexed with an external link.

These tips should fix your indexing problem. 

OK, now it’s time for me to toot my own horn. Here I go…

I have to write this stuff below so you know I’m the real deal. 🙂

Jen Ruhman SEO can help you achieve higher rankings by creating a site that is optimized for search indexation.

Jen Ruhman SEO is a premier San Diego-based company that specializes in search engine optimization. With decades of experience, I can help you create and optimize your website for better ranking on Google!

You know you want to outrank the competition, but don’t have time or money for expensive SEO services? Let me help! I offer affordable SEO package deals tailored just right for your business.  Call or text me today. I don’t bite.
