Stock photography is hella pricey right?
If you’ve browsed stock photography websites offering high quality photos for $33.00 a pop, you gag.
Forget those “fancy schmancy” stock photo sites…
Check out these 30 bad-ass websites with the freshest and 100% FREE high quality stock photos.
(they’re totally legit and legal too btw.)

I know the struggle…
If you’re new to blogging and can’t afford paying for stock photos or a subscription, I hear ya. That was once me. Heck, I still love using free stock photography to cut costs. 😉
It’s crucial your new blog and social media has stunning images that make people instantly want to share your new blog post. Also she a tweet without even visiting your site. (it’s true)
This is my hand-picked collection of free photo websites that have creative large high quality images you can download for FREE.
- Large photos – perfect for trending parallax backgrounds
- Videos – another huge web design trend I’m loving
- Vector / Illustrations
- High Quality
(all links tested and working as of 10/1/2016)
This free photo website has stunning images. They also add 100 new photos every day. This site keeps getting better. I’ve been using it for the past two years.
2. Pixabay
This site is my “go to” for downloading free videos for my web design. I mentioned the parallax web design trend, go here. There’s also nice illustrations and vector graphics all for FREE. Yay! I can always depend on this site’s powerful search tool of I can’t find an image anywhere else for free.
3. Gratisography
This has some attention grabbing images that are kinda bizarre but cool. Perfect for attention grabbing tweets, pins, and blog post header images. I’ve seen a lot of blogs use this website.
4. Picjumbo
I appreciate that this free image site has original photos. All nice big high quality photography. This website has some nice photo categories. I like checking out their tech photos when I blog for an IT company website.
5. New Old Stock
If you need vintage photography, this is the website for you! Black and white photos and even sepia colors, you name it. Searching is easy peasy. Fun creative photos to change up the mix.RELATED POST 10 Creative Ways to Use Instagram for Business
6. Snapwire Snaps
You have to check out the photo collections on this website. I love how it’s organized. Cooking, Coffee, Silhouettes, Smiles, Fitness, Fashion…and so many more! its all nicely organized. Amazing images.
7. Splitshire
More creative video background downloads and free photos. Very creative and useful original collections. I highly recommend these photos for your blog. They’re clean and high quality. Very professional looking photography.
8. Jaymantri
All these stunning photography were taken by Jay Mantri. Probably the most unique free photo website in this collection. Lots of architecture and close ups of doors,textures… perfect for someone out there.
9. Stokpic
Its a great site with easy to navigate categories. Only bummer, you have to register. Worth checking out. I wish they showed more photos per page. I love their fashion collection. I could see these images being used on pinterest.
10. Unsplash
Interesting free photo website that keeps growing. Be sure to browse the featured collections.
11. ISO Republic
Another great free photo resource for web designers that need high quality images. I also love their category of free textures.
12. Picography
Just a collection of unorganized photos, however they’re high quality. I wish these free photos had categories. Some real weird photos but hey everyone needs a little weirdness now and then right?
13. Get Refe
Great photos, I just don’t like the website usability. There’s some really unique images that catch your eye!
14. Foodies Feed
If you have a food blog… or as they say foodie blog 😉 this site’s for you! Also great if you’re the owner of a health blog, fitness blog, or just need free food related photography. Great hidden gem.
15. Travel Coffee Book
Jaw dropping images of traveling, nature, architecture. Everything is on one long page, sorry no search function. This site has such lovely graphics, you might get inspired to travel too.
16. Magdeleine
Lots of elegant images free to use on your blog. I like that it has categories and you can search by color.RELATED POST How to Get Your Business Started on Instagram
17. JeShoots
This site is bad-ass for having free mockup photos and free photoshop .PSD files. Great if you need a photo of someone holding an iPhone and you want to change the screen etc.
18. CupCake
A small batch of free photography by Jonas Nilsson Lee. Fun to check out. Many scenic photos.
19. MorgueFile
This free photo site has tons of photos, all unique. I love how it displays how old each photo is. Check out the most popular / most downloaded images. There’s some great shots. So many images! I searched, typed in “colorful” and was delighted how amazing this site is.
20. Kaboompics
Clean, high resolution free photos that are all tagged and easy to find. I love the collection of desks with paper, pencils, phones all neatly placed.
21. Freeimages
This website contains a very large selection of photos, but also videos! They offer the opportunity to contribute and get paid for it as well.
22. Life Of Pix
I’m happy to find this free photo site, good layout and they even have free videos! Beautiful images I’m sure you’ll want to place some of these images into your blog.
23. StockSnap
I thought this was pixels for a second. This has amazing photos… omg. The business category has nice photos. I’ll defiantly be using these in the near future. I love their categories, especially that they share what’s trending. There’s always something good.
24. FancyCrave
The best part of this site is that they offer free photo collections! It’s amazing. In the nav, click on photo packs. You can get an entire image collection, perfect for consistency if you want to place multiple styled images on one page for a professional look and feel.
25. GoodFreePhotos
If you’re in search for location based photos, this is your ticket. Every country is organized on the left navigation. This website does have images I’ve seen on other free photo websites but this is organized. Many as you know are not organized this nicely.RELATED POST Benefits of using instagram for Business
26. LibreShot
Nice big website with a clean layout. They all have some sort of muted tone or styled filter applied to each photo.
27. Idpinthat
A great free photo site for bloggers that want to create beautiful pinnable images for pinterest. This website can help everyone build a great pin. The website name says it all!
28. Negativespace
This free photo site just uploaded a ton of free christmas photos. Worth checking out if you’re going to do seasonal marketing.
29. Stocktookapic
Lots of beautiful free photography. Just make sure you click on the photos with the little cloud icon.
30. MMT
Gorgeous one-of-a-kind photos by Jeffery Bettes. Nice categories. If you like one photo you’ll love them all. Check out his New York free photo collection. Love it!
Great categories such as Occupation, Icons, Beauty, Fashion, Technology, Business, Recreation, BW, Ambient, People, Templates, Buttons, and more! Check it out already! 😉
WOW, so many websites to choose from with free high quality photos!
Which are my faves you ask…?
Hands down my fav images sites:
- – For high quality professional images
- – for video
Here’s some examples of the stunning images you get for free online.

I hope you found a new favorite free photo site that’s perfect for your blog!
Did I miss a great photo site?
Which is your fav free high quality stock photos website for your blog?
Please let me know in the comments!
Jen Ruhman